Need we say more? The terrible twos have definitely set in. Noam knows what he wants, knows how to ask for it (or perhaps we should say, order us to do it) and isn't afraid to scream bloody murder if he doesn't get it. Plus, he plays air guitar. And air violin. Oh, and air cello...and table piano.

Just a little family quality time - increasingly common as it gets harder for Eema to lift Noam...

More playtime with Ariel - pushing Ariel on the car, not to be confused with pushing Ariel, which we discourage. But it is confusing.

Tired after a long day's work...or maybe just sunbathing in our living room?
Are those the plague sunglasses?
Definitely looks like plague sunglasses to me!
He's a stunner!
love from grandma, who's waiting with open arms none the less.
i love that those plague sunglasses were such a hit...lets just remember that i could also fit into them.
I can't wait to see you all. I will be downstairs waiting when you arrive!!!
Oh, Noam! Ayyeh sad. Noam bye bye? Bigbus? Car? Aypaym? Ayyeh aypaym Abba. Merca. Noam Merca? Hug. Bye-bye. -- XO -- Ayyeh
*Oh, hi Noam! Ariel is sad because Noam left Israel. Did you go on a big bus? In a car? On an airplane? Ariel just went on an airplane with his Abba. To America. Is Noam in America? I want to give you a hug. Bye bye. XO. Hug. -- Ariel*
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