Saying the entire name of Israel's independence day was a bit too much for Noam, but he got very good at finishing off with the last syllable when prompted. Israel's 60th was a fun day for Noam and for Daddy and Eema as well.
We had a lazy morning, since we were all off from school. Here are Noam and Ariel chilling at their early morning playdate...
...And then Daddy read them a book (well, actually, a toy catalogue, but it's their favorite right now).
After Noam's nap, we headed out for some excitement. The day before, Eema and Noam saw the Israeli Air Force planes practicing for the Yom Ha'Atzma'ut fly-overs, and Noam was very excited about the prospect of seeing more airplanes (he says "airplane," and holds on to the little plane that Grandma brought for him...). So we went in search of airplanes, and in front of the President's house, we found some (also lots of flags, which Noam is also learning about).
Then we walked over to the park, which was full of families barbecuing and playing games. Noam really got into the playground there - it has a "choo-choo" you can sit in and steer - and he really did not want to leave (in other words, we had to carry him out kicking and screaming). But a quick visit with Yaffa cheered him up, and then we were off to the "Live Museum" - a whole section of town set up to showcase Israel in the '40s, with lots of plays, music, and food. And buses. As Yaffa told Noam, an old Egged bus is included in the display. For the entire walk there, Noam said: "Bus?! Bus?!"
But first we saw some dancing (at the end of a little play about the creation of the State of Israel)...
Then it was on to the musical performances. It should be pointed out that these were not, in particular, geared to young children. They were just groups of musicians playing instruments such as the cello, the violin, and the flute. Noam could have sat all day and watched - we had to tear him away from each one...
So a good time was had by all. Noam was a very tired baby by the time we got home, and Daddy put him to bed while Eema headed out for an outdoor Israeli dance party. All in all, we think Israel had a happy birthday.
1 comment:
Umm... not to be a stickler - but I think the fact that noam can read at the age of 22 months should make its onto the blog somewhere!!
Love you guys!
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