(birdwatching from our apartment)
(three cheers for Ari, who figured out how we could start posting pictures again!)
The good news is that Noam has been sleeping very nicely at night, special for Eema while Daddy is away. He slept over twelve hours last night, and woke up singing. His new trick is that when I open the door to his room in the morning, he leans over the side of the crib and says: "HI!"
Less good is that Noam has a cold. So Eema has to wipe his nose a lot. Lately, whenever this happens, Noam has taken to very carefully and deliberately wiping Eema's nose, and then triumphantly carrying the tissue to the garbage can.
In news that is possibly good but may not really be, Noam slept for FOUR HOURS with his babysitter today. That is probably his longest nap on record. Then, at around 5:30, while ostensibly in the middle of dinner, Noam requested that Eema clear his place (which he does by carefully lifting his plate, handing it to me, and saying: "away!") and then said: "Sleep! Sleep!" accompanied by the sign for sleep.
He's never done this before, but Eema said okay, but first we need to take a bath.
This was traumatic, because it turns out that Eema does not permit Noam to bathe while wearing socks. So the socks were removed (have we mentioned that Noam loves his socks? He puts them on...and takes them off...and puts them on) and Noam cried pathetically throughout his (short) bath: "Sock! Sock!"
The bath over, he clutched his socks and again requested "sleep" while Eema put him in pajamas. We read stories and brushed teeth, all the while Noam clutching his (dirty) white socks.
And yes, he went to sleep at 6pm, the socks still held tight, one in each hand.
Is he sick? Just very tired? Having a sock fetish? Using the socks as somehow symbolic of his missing Daddy? We're keeping all our options open as we wait for the next development in the saga that is Noam.
Here are some pictures of Noam bonding with his socks:
There are lots of pelicans and other beautiful and large birds here in FL. I wish I could have taken you with me. You'd have liked meeting my friends and also seeing all of birds. I miss you and I'll be home soon.
Dear Noam, If you have to have a fetish, socks are a good choice. They don't cost too much money, they come in many colors, and you've learned how to take them off and put them on. What could be better?
You look scrumptious, and I can't wait to hug and kiss you!
My cat Claudius also has a sock fetish. He hugs them and sucks on them, but he hasn't figured out anything else to do with them yet.
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