Eema's blogging has definitely not been keeping up with Noam's vocabulary, or with his other achievements. Some recent milestones:
~ Noam speaks Hebrew! He says: "todah!" (thank you). He occasionally thanks Eema for toys or food, and he almost always says it when handing little gifts (trash from the floor, etc) to Eema. Its not clear whether he learned this from his babysitter, or from his friend Ariel (who learned it in his Israeli daycare!)
~ Noam says both "no" and "nonononononono!" He does not say yes, in any way, shape, or form. Hmmm....
~ Noam weighs 9.26 kilo. In American, that's 20.4 pounds. In percentiles, that's 4th percentile. In other words, as Mike pointed out, we probably do not have a future football player on our hands.
~ Noam is also 4th percentile for height, but despite that he has recently started working towards a career in basketball. In an ingenious attempt at defense, Noam carries the hoop with him as well (and Ariel likes this game, too)
Thanks for the great present, Mike!
~ Noam loves his hat. Still. The most. First thing in the morning or last thing at night, Noam will grab his hat, run to get his shoes, and be ready to go outside (sort of).
~ Hot off the presses: Today Noam walked to the bowl where we keep the keys, looked up, and said: Key! Key!
I handed him the keys and he headed over to unlock the door.
~ And finally, here is Noam, carefully dissecting pasta in his highchair while singing to himself. I wish I could post sound effects, because Noam talks to his food!
I'm impressed that he sings to himself when he eats. I guess it's a genetic behavior and not a learned one.
i miss you, noam! forget keys- when will you learn to say 'ketzos ha-hoshen'?
tell your parents i said hi and i miss them, too, steven :)
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