We were up at 4:30 again, for another day of Eema-Noam bonding. Luckily he did some decent napping, and was mostly in an excellent mood. In the morning the Friedmans (Tzivia's parents, otherwise known as Charlotte's grandparents!) were nice enough to take us out for coffee at a local cafe. Noam always enjoys a good coffee date.
In the afternoon, lucky Noam got to play in the park for three hours (!!) with his exceptionally wonderful babysitter. For those of you who don't track the weather here in Jerusalem, it is in the 90s and very dry. But it doesn't seem to slow Noam down one bit. When he came back inside, he was in a great mood. First he played ball for a while (no, we have not been actively trying to teach him to balance a ball on his nose...)
Then he decided, perhaps inspired by his cousin Melissa the great organizer, to rearrange the living room a bit. Here's the "before" picture...
...Looking over the counter from the kitchen, where I was making his dinner, here is what I saw...
Apparently it was time for a change.
Finally, before going to bed, Noam read to himself for a bit. He turns the pages carefully, and talks quietly to himself, occasionally rocking back and forth.
He likes to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Pat the Bunny. Interestingly, his favorite book to have me read to him these days is the bagel book. For those of you who haven't seen it, this is a book with great pictures, but it is somewhat lacking in plot and character development. "Whole bagel." "Half Bagel." Turn the page. "Light bagel." "Dark bagel." You get the idea. If not, come on over and Noam will make you read it to him three or four times in a row!
1 comment:
Hi everyone,
I'm here in the airport on my way to New York so I can go to a different airport to come home to you. I miss you all so much. Thanks for keeping me updated on your adventures.
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